Polis Passes Laws on Marijuana Delivery, Investment, and Social Use and Changes the Marijuana Industry


The legislation marks the revolution in people’s ability to buy and consume marijuana in the state of Colorado. At the same time, it enables the industry to gain more investment.

Polis Passes Laws on Marijuana Delivery, Investment, and Social Use and Changes the Marijuana Industry

Governor of Colorado has passed a law that could significantly change the marijuana industry of the state. Some of such changes comprise the development of businesses where people are allowed to consume marijuana and companies which provide marijuana products.

However, the modifications do not start to apply immediately. Voters in a county or city have to approve of suggested changes in the marijuana industry beforehand.

State regulators are unable to start providing “hospitality” licenses to marijuana vendors or other businesses that strive for allowing consumption on their property until 2020. Moreover, delivery companies cannot obtain a state authorization for medical marijuana before 2020 and for other cannabis products before 2021.

The laws were in the group of measures relevant to marijuana that Governor Jared Polis, who is known to be openly supportive of the cannabis industry of the state, signed on Wednesday.

Additionally, Polis signed a bill enabling publicly traded firms to own cannabis businesses and loosening requirements in terms of background-checks on investors.

On the whole, the legislation marks a new beginning for marijuana in the state of Colorado led by a politician approving of cannabis. Generally, the new laws mark the revolution in people’s ability to buy and consume marijuana, while at the same time enabling the industry to gain more investment.

Polis stated that the newly passed laws would keep the state of Colorado at the country’s front line on legal cannabis.

He said that the state’s government could not relax its efforts.

John Hickenlooper, the former Governor of Colorado, vetoed similar legislation last year. According to it, people would have been able to consume marijuana at stores that provide it, in so-called “tasting rooms.” Moreover, he vetoed a bill that was supposed to make the industry open to public investment.

Finally, Polis has passed a law according to which doctors are able to propose medical marijuana to patients instead of prescribing them opioids, as well as another one allowing autistic people to acquire medical marijuana.

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